on Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What is Meditation?
    A mind that is in the present moment is meditation. A mind that is calm, without hesitation and anticipation is meditation. A mind that has become no mind, and has come back to its source is meditation. Meditation is diving deep within....at this moment. Bring the mind, which is all over the place, back to its source. In meditation - your mind is alert, and all other organs are in deep rest. Repose in the cool, calm, serene depth of your Being. It is not necessary for us to go to the Himalayas to meditate. Meditation is an inward journey.

Most of you think that mediatation is deep concentration. But no. Meditation is De-concentration - Letting Go. Letting go of the past anger and letting go of the desires and planning for the future. 

There are just 3 steps for meditation. They are:
Relax more, and
Relax more and more.
Yes! Meditation is nothing but relaxation of mind and body.

Meditation & The Body – For Better Health

“Our body is a precious gift to us. So honour your body”

We have to keep our body sacred, as it is a mobile temple. The English word ‘nerve’ is derived from the Sanskrit word "nar". In a man’s nerves lives Narayana, the supreme Lord. Hence we have to keep our body sacred as God lives in the nerves of our body. Repeatedly uttering the word "OM" purifies the body.

Meditation works by bringing an effect from the level of being to the mind. With the breath we bring this effect to the physical level as well.

There is something called body language. It shows what you are within you. If someone walks with stiff and elevated shoulders, body language shows that there is so much of ego and stiffness in that person. They twist their neck and walk in some particular manner. They are not comfortable with people. So, stiffer you are, stiffer the body, stiffer the mind. To loosen up your mind, to loosen up your ego, to expand yourself, you need to do certain asanas and meditate. You are not just the mind; you are not just the body. And in yoga, the body, breath and the mind are all united.

Do pranayama and meditation. Your body will become strong and Intelligence sharp. Make wishes and pray, everything will happen. In meditation you realise that you are not just the body, but you are more than the body.
In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser beam – it is very powerful and healing can happen.” - Sri Sri Ravishankar
For more details on Meditation, visit - www.powerofmeditation.org